Ultrafast plasmonic response ensured by atomic scale confinement
S. Tanaka, T. Yoshida, K. Watanabe, Y. Matsumoto, T. Yasuike, D. Novko, M. Petrović, M. Kralj
ACS Photonics 9(3) (2022) 837-845
[10. / Topic: Ultrafast dynamics of 2D architectures]
Electronic structure of quasi-freestanding WS2/MoS2 heterostructures
B. Pielić, D. Novko, I. Šrut Rakić, J. Cai, M. Petrović, R. Ohmann, N. Vujičić, M. Basletić, C. Busse, M. Kralj
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13(42) (2021) 50552-50563
[9. / Topic: Electronic structure of 2D heterostructures]
Linewidth Narrowing with Ultimate Confinement of Alkali Multipole Plasmon by Modifying Surface Electronic Wavefunction with Two Dimensional Materials
S. Tanaka, T. Yoshida, K. Watanabe, Y. Matsumoto, T. Yasuike, M. Petrović, M. Kralj
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 (2020) 126802
[8. / Topic: Optical response of chemically modified 2D materials]
Anomalous Temperature Dependence of Exciton Spectral Diffusion in Tetracene Thin Film
T. Yoshida, K. Watanabe, M. Petrović, M. Kralj
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11 (2020) 5248-5254
[7. / Topic: Optical response of chemically modified 2D materials]
Sulfur structures on bare and graphene-covered Ir(111)
B. Pielić, J. Hall, V. Despoja, I. Šrut Rakić, M. Petrović, A. Sohani, C. Busse, T. Michely, M. Kralj
J. Phys. Chem. C 124 (2020) 6659-6668
[6. / Topic: Epitaxial growth, graphene]
Phonon-assisted processes in the transient optical response of graphene
D. Novko, M. Kralj
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[5. / Topic: Optical response of 2D materials]
Atomic-scale defects and electronic properties of transferred synthesized MoS2 monolayer
I. Delač Marion, D. Čapeta, B. Pielić, F. Faraguna, A. Gallardo, P. Pou, B. Biel, N. Vujičić, M. Kralj
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[4. / Topic: atomic scale defects in 2D materials]
Mechanically strained MoS2 monolayers grown by chemical vapor deposition
I. Niehues, A.F. Blob, T. Stiehm, V. Jadriško, B. Radatović, D. Čapeta, M. Kralj, S. Michaelis de Vasconcellos, R. Bratschitsch
2D Materials 5 (2018) 031003
[3. / Topic: Optical response of strained 2D materials]
Effect of Lithium doping on the optical properties of monolayer MoS2
N. Saigal, I. Wielert, D. Čapeta, N. Vujičić, B.V. Senkovskiy, M. Hell, M. Kralj, A. Gruneis
Applied Physics Letters 112 (2018) 121902
[2. / Topic: Optical response of chemically doped 2D materials]
Molecular beam epitaxy of quasi-freestanding transition metal disulphide monolayers on van der Waals substrates: A growth study
J. Hall, B. Pielić, C. Murray, W. Jolie, T. Wekking, C. Busse, M. Kralj, T. Michely
2D Materials 5 (2018) 025005
[1. / Topic: vdW growth of 2D materials]